Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wikileaks: Fallout, Qaddafi and US Oil Co.'s

The House of Representatives voted on and passed an amendment to the defense appropriations bill to prohibit the use of funds for American military operations in Libya, invoking the War Powers Resolution. A Wikileak state department cable, as reported by the Washington Post, has shown the relationship between major US oil companies and Muammar Qaddafi had been souring for a time prior to the beginning of the war. John Glaser with discusses.

Profligate Profit: US sponsors Taliban & wastes $30 billion

The US senate committee into wartime contracting has found 30 billion dollars of taxpayer's money missing or stolen by contractors. The report claims the money was squandered due to poor planning, a lack of oversight and outright fraud by U.S. contractors and federal employees. It also suggests to implement stricter measures to control the spendings over the possibility that another 30 billion could be wasted in the future. The findings are now to be presented to congress, as a cash-strapped Washington prepares to trim defence spending to tackle its enormous debt. An assistant Editor at Antiwar DOT com - John Glaser - says this report is only one of many others describing large-scale waste in the US.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Gaddafi the truth - they don't want you to know

2 million people in Tripoli, 99% Gaddafi supporters. NATO brings boat loads of rebels knowing full well a bloodbath was the only possible outcome. How humanitarian.

Think about it. Gaddafi is gone from Tripoli. The "liberators" allegedly control Tripoli. Why is the conflict not over? Why are civilians dying, being tortured, being forced to lie in front of cameras? This should be a time for celebration if these rebels were true liberators.

Nothing on NATO news about the majority of the population of Tripoli being terrorized by terrorists. They refer to civilians as "Gaddafi loyalists

Sunday 28 August 2011

Media Manipulation: NATO was bombing hospitals,schools to create panic in Libya

NATO's presence in Libya little resembles a humanitarian mission with houses, hospitals and schools being hit. But Libya prospered prior to NATO's intrusion, Yvonne Di Vito, an activist from told RT. ­RT: You have been saying that here in Italy the news reports abut what is happening in Libya were very confusing, a lot of conflicting information there. Can you tell us what you saw and what you found?
Yvonne Di Vito: We went to Libya on the 28th July and we came back on the 7th August and we found a totally different situation because NATO was bombarding civilians.
The bombings were not only carried out on military targets, but they also hit houses, hospitals, schools, television centers, and this was totally against the humanitarian reasons they said they were there for.
I believe they were doing this to bring panic in the city. That's why they were bombing the things that people use daily, like places with food and essential utilities like hospitals.
This was also a difficult period for Muslims because of Ramadan and that is why in the daytime they're in their houses. We went to Tripoli and to Zitan and we saw huge protests with thousands of pro-Gaddafi supporters turning out against NATO and all these demonstrations were not shown in Italy.
We also visited Tanjur and Sansur and found a lot of women that were screaming at us, asking 'Why you Italians are bombing us? What did we do to you? Why are you killing our children?' That was their main question. When we went to Zitan, the same day they bombed a house and in this house two children were killed. We tried to show the pictures of these children that were dead. But apart from us, no one else did the same.
Except the things that we saw with our own eyes visiting these places that were bombed, we have so much material that press officers and journalists from Libya gave to us as testimony to all the dead from the NATO bombings.
After all the things that we saw we have one question: is this a humanitarian war? Are they really helping the civilians, because I believe that all this is because of economic reasons, or at least there are other reasons that this war happened, petroleum or other things.
We also visited Libya before and what we found was a normal situation where people were fine. Differently from other countries that went through a revolution -- Libya is considered to be the Switzerland of the African continent and is very rich and schools are free for the people. Hospitals are free for the people. And the conditions for women are much better than in other Arab countries.

Roberts: Pentagon budget is the result of corruption

Half a century ago, president Dwight Eisenhower issued a warning to the American nation about growing military industrial complexes being a threat to democracy, and now it seems as though Eisenhower's warning has become reality. US is the modern world's biggest military spender. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan administration official and a columnist, shares his opinion on RT.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Bye-bye Gaddafi, welcome Al-Qaeda - Pepe Escobar to RT

While Tripoli is celebrating the end of a dictatorship, analysts are skeptical democracy is next in line for Libya. Journalist Pepe Escobar told RT, Al-Qaeda is already effectively in power in the capital.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Gaddafi 'jailed' son parades Tripoli after arrest claim - civilians supporting Gadaffi

An information blackout appears to have descended on Libya - as for hours there has been no significant updates coming from Tripoli. The hotel where the international journalists have been staying is left without electricity and communication. Earlier the story took a major twist when Colonel Gaddafi's son made an appearance in central Tripoli, refuting rebels' claims that he'd been arrested. During a brief window when power was restored, we managed to speak on the phone with independent journalist Lizzie Phelan who saw Saif Gaddafi herself.

Second colonization of Africa begun

For more view on the situation in Libya, RT talks to international consultant and former deputy speaker of the Belgian Parliament, Lode Vanoost.

F. William Engdahl, author of "Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order", thinks the struggle for Libyan oil is the real bottom line of the whole NATO operation.

Rebels say they now control most of Tripoli, and have taken Libyan state TV off air. But some reports also suggest that opposition fighters have been looting private houses. Three of Gaddafi's sons are now thought to be in rebel hands. Opposition leaders say a large number of their fighters have been killed. There are reports rebels are closing in on Gaddafi's compound, but the whereabouts of the Colonel are unknown. Some rumours suggest Gaddafi may be in talks with South Africa about a possible escape route, despite denials from both sides. And NATO insists it will continue combat air patrols until all government forces surrender. Following a night of chaos in the capital, crowds have been seen in Tripoli's central square waving revolutionary flags.

Colonel Gaddafi's son has made an appearance in central Tripoli, refuting rebels' claims that he'd been arrested. He came to speak with international journalists who are still trapped in a hotel without electricity and communications. Meanwhile doubts are cast over whether a rebel victory would actually leave the Libyan people in control of their destiny, as experts point to Egypt where those who fought for the revolution, ended up with a government they didn't choose. Eric Margolis - war correspondent, columnist and author from Toronto, Canada says we are lond way from seeing anything like democracy in Libya.

CIA, MI6 'journos' in Tripoli Rixos hotel threatening reporters, outside NATO losing -disinformation campaign

Undercover agents acting as journalists threaten reporters.
Journalists trapped in a Tripoli hotel say there are heavy explosions close-by, power is down, and there's gunfire outside. Journalist Thierry Meyssan, who's founder and chairman of online newspaper the Voltaire Network is in the Rixos hotel in Tripoli and says NATO forces are doing everything to back up rebels..

Report speaks of threats

Sunday 21 August 2011

Al Jazeera and other news agencies lied about Gaddafi - disinformation campaign

Libyan rebels say they're pushing on towards Tripoli and claim they're now around 30 kilometers from the capital. There have also been reports of sporadic violence within Tripoli itself - but many people on the ground there say the situation is much calmer than those reports suggest. Lizzie Pheelan is an independent journalist in Tripoli who says that false accounts of what's happening have served only to stir up the conflict.

Fatal Facebook: 'UK on edge of civil war' - Two men get 4 years in jail for Facebook riot

British police are cracking down on users of social media for allegedly encouraging mass uprising during a time ripe with riots. One message on Facebook even got two Brits four years behind bars recently for what they say was just a drunk joke. Now human rights groups are sounding the alarm, saying the courts are over-reacting by dishing out penalties which are far too harsh.

As of late Internet freedom has been challenged by governments worldwide including the US. Social media has given a voice to protestors everywhere. In England two men were sentenced to jail for sharing information on Facebook about the recent riots. Now the US State Department is giving $2 million in grants for the "Internet in a suitcase" to aid protesters in getting around unfriendly governments. Many are calling the US government hypocrites for such aid after a shutdown of cell phone service occurred during a recent protest in San Francisco. Could Internet in a suitcase allow governments and corporations to spy on and manipulate online revolutions? Eva Golinger, lawyer and author, tells us more.

Two men get 4 years in jail for Facebook riot

Rebel snipers in Tripoli part of NATO plan to spark mass panic

Bullets Over Tripoli: 'Media feeds fear as NATO fights war on Libya'

Reports of tracer bullets and explosions over the Libyan capital have caused many to believe it's the beginning of the end for Colonel Gaddafi's stronghold. Political analyst Mahdi Nazemroaya who's also in Tripoli, says some sporadic attacks may actually be happening, but in his opinion they are part of psychological warfare.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

American Intelligence General Says 911 was a fraud

General Stubblebine was the top of USA intelligence gathering when he retired, He is the highest ranking retired General to investigate on 9-11.
and LISTEN to what he said, but was not reported by our American Media, but by Foreign Media, note
the German Sub-titles. Americans are getting perpetual LIES spoon fed to them.

Agenda 21 World Depopulation Biowarfare Program - Albert Stubblebine

General Albert Stubblebine (ret.) who once helped design the army of the future, speaks out on the global eugenics warfare program.

Sunday 14 August 2011

To Sell a War (1992) Gulf War Propaganda

Secrets of the Gulf War, Oil, Saddam, Hipocrisy and unkown history of Kuwait (1991)

From various sources we piece together three significant facets of the Gulf
War which were ignored or distorted by the media. First is the history of
the area, particularly the development of Iraq and its relationship to
Kuwait; the legitimate complaints which Iraq had with Kuwait; and the
various ways which the US may have manipulated Saddam Hussein in attacking Kuwait after installing Saddam in the first place and protecting him as a useful ally until the war started.

Run time: 59:13
New segments recorded February, 1991
News: September 28, 1991
Copyright October, 1991

This movie is part of the collection: Alternative Views

Producer: Frank Morrow
Production Company: Alternative Information Network
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Language: English

Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States

U.S. Gulf War NWO Propaganda (disinformation), Iraq, Agent Orange (1993)

9 11 Documentaries - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

911 Truth : The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant in the Room is a documentary following British filmmaker Dean Puckett through his journey into the 9/11 Truth Movement: a global movement of 'conspiracy theorists' who believe that the official explanation about what happened on 9/11 is totally or partially inaccurate. The filmmakers travel from middle England, across Europe and to New York for the six year anniversary of the attacks, where the film takes one final twist as we are introduced to the 9/11 first responders who are suffering from various grave health difficulties due to the toxic dust that they breathed in trying to help their country during the weeks after this tragic event. Told with a personal hands on approach that avoids advancing any one position, the film asks the question: are these crazy conspiracy theorists? Or is 9/11 Truth a credible political movement?

The film premiered at the BFI on the Southbank in London - winning Best UK Documentary at the London Independent Film Festival 2008.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

'Killing civilians part of NATO war strategy in Libya'

The head of Libya's rebel movement has sacked the entire executive committee which functions as a cabinet. It follows the assasination of the commander of opposition forces last month. Members of the National Transitional Council, Libya's highest rebel authority, support the re-shuffle saying they hope it will stem any crisis in their ranks. Meanwhile, NATO is continues its attacks on the country. Officials in Tripoli claim 85 people have been killed in airstrikes in the west of the country. Stephen Lendman, author and blogger says it's obvious there's no agreement in the rebel government, and NATO is losing the war in the country.

LIBYA - 33 children, 32 women and 20 men killed by NATO

A Nato airstrike near Tripoli has killed 85 people, including dozens of women and children, Libyan officials have claimed.

A spokesman for Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's regime said missiles struck a cluster of farm buildings in the village of Majar, around 150km east of the capital.

Among the dead were 33 children, 32 women and 20 men, he added.

However, Nato has said the airstrike hit a legitimate military target.

Reporters have been taken to the scene, where they were told by Moussa Ibrahim: "This is a crime beyond imagination. Everything about this place is civilian."

Full article/source -

Foreign journalists have been taken to see several destroyed buildings in a village near the town of Zlitan which Libyan officials said were hit by NATO airstrikes.

They claim at least 85 civilians were killed in the worst non-combatant death toll since NATO began its campaign.

Unconfirmed reports say 33 children were among the dead. The Gaddafi regime has declared three days of mourning.

Officials in Tripoli hope to show the world that NATO bombings keep straying from military targets, thus reducing Western support for the mission.

Sunday 7 August 2011

30 U.S. troops from navy seal elite unit that recently killed Osama Bin Laden dead in helicopter crash

A military helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 U.S. troops and seven Afghan commandos. Officials say many of the troops were special operations forces who belonged to the same elite unit that recently killed Osama Bin Laden. (Aug. 6)

This is reportedly the largest one day loss of troops in the 10 year war in Afghanistan and it just happens to be Seal Team 6. So now we are to buy that the men who took out OBL Died in a helicopter crash months after pulling off the raid. Our inside sources told us months ago that all the Seals on the helicopter that crashed in the so called OBL raid died,the Obama admin says none were killed. Witnesses on the ground in Pakistan told national News outlets that the Seals went in to the compound then came out got in a stealth craft and it exploded. The video with the witnesses is posted on in our news report titled "Seal Team 6 Deaths Exposed". Now the globalist may have killed off the rest of the Seal team that made it out in the other stealth helicopter from the OBL raid to tie up loose ends. Bottom line the official bin Laden raid story is a proven fraud so it is no wonder that this story dose not ad up.

Infowars is on the record reporting that members of Seal Team 6 died in the so called OBL raid. The government admits that a super secret helicopter did crash during the OBL raid but says no one died, our intel is different. We predicted that the spin doctors would stage a crash or when a real crash took place that they would say the SEALs died then. This is a old trick that governments all over the world have been caught pulling in the past. Some speculate that Obama had the team killed to cover up what really happened; however our intel does not point that way. The Pentagon may have blown the helicopter up on the ground on the night of the raid and we cover that in the above video. Lastly the globalist MSM is reporting that terrorist have taken credit but that is notoriously filled with disinfo, like in the Norway attack when a fake terrorist group took credit and the media ran with it.

Saturday 6 August 2011

You cant drink raw milk ! crackdown swat team arrested farmers selling raw milk!

A major police raid targeted an establishment you might not expect, an organic food cooperative. The government appears to think that raw milk is such a big public risk, that they are using some very strong arm tactics to arrest a group of organic food providers. Raw food enthusiasts feel like they are under attack and they are ready to fight back.

For the past several years organic foods have received an increase of attention due to the lack of pesticides and not being genetically altered. Many people are demanding that their food be untouched. Recently a SWAT team arrested farmers for selling raw milk to customers. Is it a crime to drink raw milk or does the government feel left out? Mike Adams, health ranger, first broke the story any tells us why the FDA doesn't approve of this.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism'

International bankers have reportedly wasted billions of dollars invested by Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. The Financial Times says giants like Goldman Sachs were dealing with the dictator's investments when it needed to plug a hole during the economic crisis. Most of the money has been lost, but with what's going on in Libya any repayment seems unlikely.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

History Channel : HAARP Technology and Chemtrails conspiracy

US & Israel masterminds behind Syria proxy war

Bashar Assad's main headache now is the unseen coalition of the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel, which sees the Syrian regime as one of Iran's major Middle East partners. That's according to former Pentagon officer Michael Maloof, who gave his insight into the situation in the protest-torn country.