Friday 9 September 2011

Freedom or Anarchy? 'Rebelution' leaves Libya in fear

Confrontation between Libyan rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces shows no sign of easing. Battles have been raging near the towns of Sirte and Bani Walid - two of the few remaning strongholds of the fallen regime. Forces loyal to the Colonel fired rockets from Bani Walid, where two of Gaddafi's sons are believed to be leading the armed resistence. That's despite the interim government seeking to negotiate a peaceful resolution. The deadline for Gaddafi loyalists to surrender has been extended to this Saturday. As for the Colonel himself, in his latest audio message the ousted leader claimed he was still in Libya and vowed he'd never leave his ancestors' homeland. Meanwhile life the Libyan capital still struggles after falling into rebel hands, with the celebratory mood quickly dampened by fears of anarchy setting in. Maria Finoshina is in Tripoli for RT.